• AYSO sets up approximately 15 soccer fields each season to accommodate U4-U19 games.
• The size of the field is determined by the age division requirements. The smaller fields generally
do not have all of the markings that are on a full size soccer field.
The markings on each field have to be re-painted every week during the soccer season. The grass grows and gets cut and the paint fades over time—and that’s why we ask each team to supply at least one Line Painting volunteer. In a 100% volunteer organization, there is no single person who wants to paint 15 fields every week—and so we ask for your help. Volunteers are given dates to choose from and when they arrive on their assigned date, they are shown what to do—and assigned a field or two. This is a one-time 30-60 minute—FUN task. Want to help with the fields? Let us know -
[email protected]